Staff Show 2019: Isabel Matthäus
Exhibitions & Events, People & Community
In this series, we highlight participants in This Is My Day Job: The 2019 James McLaughlin Memorial Staff Show, on view through September 29, 2019.

Isabel Matthäus
Tell us about yourself?
I grew up in DC but have German citizenship, therefore I never have seen myself as either fully American nor German, rather a happy mix of all the countries I’ve had the pleasure of living in throughout my life. Which also influences my approach to art, a happy mix of mediums. I received my Masters degree in art history but have always continued to make art on the side.
What do you do at The Phillips Collection? What are some unique or interesting parts of your job?
I am a Museum Assistant and also occasionally help out with the AV Department. It is always interesting to directly observe visitors’ interactions with and reactions to the exhibitions. One single work can elicit a whole range of responses.
What is your favorite artwork? Why?
I can’t say that I have one single favorite artwork, as there are those I like for their meaning and concept and those I prefer aesthetically.
What do you like to listen to when you’re creating your art?
Post-Rock and lofi-triphop and also audiobooks

Isabel Matthäus, Safehaven, January 2019, Mixed media
What would you like people to know about your artwork on view in the 2019 Staff Show (or your work in general)?
I created this work using the catalogue from the Wonder exhibition at the Renwick Museum from 2015 and tried to re-imagine the works I admired there. I didn’t plan out exactly what the piece would look like before starting it, but rather just went with the flow.