Staff Show 2019: Genevieve Martinez
Exhibitions & Events, People & Community
In this series, we highlight participants in This Is My Day Job: The 2019 James McLaughlin Memorial Staff Show, on view through September 29, 2019.

Genevieve Martinez
Tell us about yourself?
I am a local artist from Washington, DC. I obtained my double BA in studio art and photography in 2018. In my free time I enjoy Ted-Ed videos and creating artwork. My passion for art began at age five, any surface became my canvas, including the walls at home.
What do you do at The Phillips Collection? What are some unique or interesting parts of your job?
I perform the role of Museum Assistant at The Phillips Collection. I ensure the security of art and visitors of the museum. A unique aspect of my job is being around classic art. Also the stories shared to me by visitors.
What is your favorite artwork? Why?
It’s difficult to narrow down to a single favorite, but if I had to decide on one, it would be the Migration Series by Jacob Lawrence simply for the design aspect and historical purpose.
What do you like to listen to when you’re creating your art?
Lo-fi Hip hop, Jazz, and R&B

Genevieve Martinez, Form of Woman, June 2019, Acrylic gouache, charcoal, and ebony pencils
What would you like people to know about your artwork on view in the 2019 Staff Show (or your work in general)?
As an artist, it’s my duty to capture everyday experiences then transform them into art. Form of Woman is a statement on the individuality of women. Women come in all shapes and sizes. More importantly, they are all Individuals. Many social norms and political issues attempt to outline the individuality of women.