Education & Community Engagement
Help the Phillips promote lifelong learning by supporting its education and community engagement programs.

By cultivating a dynamic and far-ranging dialogue that uses modern and contemporary art as a point of departure, the Phillips is a wellspring of innovation, educational outreach, and groundbreaking partnerships.
Our work deeply engages students, teachers, families, and adults in mindful, arts-integrated experiences that foster a greater understanding of our world. Consider making a gift that directly supports The Phillips Collection’s initiatives in education and community engagement.
PK-12 Education
The Phillips Collection pushes the boundaries of K–12 education with the development of Prism.K12, a set of six strategies that help teachers create rigorous arts-integrated lessons and curricula. The museum has produced award-winning arts-integrated teacher resources, engaged in local school partnerships, and led national K-12 initiatives.
In 2018, the Phillips opened a satellite campus at THEARC in Southeast DC, providing arts-infused services to new audiences. Phillips@THEARC programs—co-created with Ward 7 and 8 community organizations and residents and THEARC partners—focus on arts and wellness for caregivers and older adults and arts-integrated learning for PK-12 teachers and students.
Art & Wellness
The relationship between art, health, and well-being resonated deeply with museum founder Duncan Phillips. The Creative Aging program, a collaboration with Iona Senior Services, Arts for the Aging, and Congress Heights Senior Wellness Center, helps older adults make and strengthen social connections through creative experiences.
Programming for All Ages
The Phillips engages visitors of all ages through talks, inquiry-based tours, and lectures, as well as interdisciplinary experiments in music, dance, and theater. New family programming includes a family gallery, gallery experiences, and creativity workshops.
For more information about supporting education and community engagement, contact:
Advancement Department
202.387.2151 x229

Annual Gala
All proceeds from our Annual Gala support our education and community engagement initiatives.