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Garrapata, Cracked Paint or Plastic (1955)
Garrapata, Cracked Paint or Plastic (1951)
Dune, White Sands, New Mexico (1946/printed later)
Dune, White Sands, New Mexico (1945/printed later)
Dune, White Sands, New Mexico (1946/printed ca. 1970)
New York, Bridge Support, Church (1946/printed later)
New York, End of 42nd Street (ca. 1940)
Ice Abstraction (ca. 1970)
High Sierra, Rocks in Water (ca. 1960)
Paint and Metal Abstraction (ca. 1970)
Paint Abstraction (ca. 1970)
Paint Abstraction, Metal Abrasion (ca. 1970)
Paint Abstraction, Sign (ca. 1970)