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Las Gringas (2021)
#SayTheirNames 2 (2021)
Your Hand (2020)
Stonewall Jackson (Dismantled), Monument Avenue, Richmond, Virginia (2020)
Untitled (c. 1996)
Passage II (1990)
Untitled (1975)
PW-2 (1999)
Full Moon (1980)
Trees with Fire (1987)
Untitled, 3-87, 10/24/87 (1987)
Little Prince (Bethlehem Steele Series) (1986)
Charlie Parker and Some of the Amazing Musicians He Influenced (painting from 1983, mixed media quilt from 2010)
"Gold n' Browns of, uh...'Merica (illustration proposal #2 for The Tanning of America by Steve Stoute)." (2020-21)
Butterfly (2021)