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Provincetown, Bulkhead and Sandbar (1987)
Road, Truro (1983)
Tennis Court, Dusk (1983)
Kin XLV (Das Lied von der Erde) (2011)
Kin XXXV (Glory in the Flower) (2011)
Kin XLI (Fauna) (2011)
Pan North V (1985)
Wind #7 in Jungle (2013)
April (1971)
Untitled (1970s)
Port de la megisserie (ler arrondissement) (Picturesque Paris II series) (1911)
Saint Vulfran, Abbeville (Landscape-Documents series) (before 1900)
Panthéon (Art in Old Paris series) (1912)
Trying to Look Like a Flower (1983)
Untitled (Baum am Torso/Tree on Torso) (1985)