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Kelp on Sand (ca. 1970)
Kelp, Sand (ca. 1970)
Metal Abrasion (ca. 1970)
Moutains, Clouds, Sky, New Mexico (ca. 1940)
Desert Landscape, Dead Trees, Mountains, Owens Valley (ca. 1950)
Mud Crack (1954)
Sand and Wood (1946)
Bill Alley (2006)
Moor Park, Rickmansworth (1915)
The Book of Harlech (1920)
The Blue Grass Cook Book (1904)
The Intelligence of Flowers (1907)
14 detached photogravure pages from "The Novels and Tales of Heny James" by Henry James (between 1907 and 1909)
Piccadilly to Pall Mall (1908)