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Collection #4

Collection item 2009.007.0001

William Christenberry, Wall Construction III, 1985. Painted metal signs, sheet metal, washers, nails and tempera paint on wood panel, 30 x 36 in. Gift of Aaron and Barbara Levine, 2009.

Collection item 2010.014.0001

Kate Shepherd, Black Tiles, 2010. Oil and enamel paint on wood panel, 35 x 48 in. The Dreier Fund for Acquisitions, 2010

Grid of dilapidated windows of building

Frank Thiel, Stadt 5/24/A (Berlin), 2001/printed 2003. Chromogenic print, 39 ⅜ x 44 ⅛ in. Gift of the Heather and Tony Podesta Collection, Washington, DC, 2011

Where would you display Collection #4?
