Forming the Collection
Notice the image credit that goes with each image. After listing the artist’s name, artwork title, year the artwork was created, materials, and dimensions, it shows when and how The Phillips Collection acquired the artwork. When you go to the museum, the label next to each artwork will also tell you this information.
The Phillips received these artworks as a bequest:

Sam Gilliam, April, 1971. Acrylic on canvas, 60 x 60 x 2 ½ in. Bequest of Mercedes H. Eichholz, 2013

Arthur Dove, Flight, 1943. Wax emulsion on canvas, 12 x 20 in. Bequest of Elmira Bier, 1976

Fernando Botero, Pineapples, 1966. Oil on canvas, 68 x 77 in. Bequest of Anne S. Reich, in memory of Daryl Reich Rubenstein and Steven M. Reich, 2009
A bequest is when a person designates artwork to donate to a museum in their will.
Look closely at these artworks. What do you see that connects these artworks?
Why might someone give a gift to a museum in their will?