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Stopover, Frogmore Plantation, Concordia Parish, Louisiana (2014)
Resting Place, Church Hill, Mississippi (2014)
Hiding Out Back, Slave cemetery, Mount Locust Stand and Plantation, Jefferson County, Mississippi (2014)
Cypress Swamp, Middle Mississippi (2014)
Off the Beaten Path, Along the Yockanookany River, Mississippi (2014)
The River Jordan, First view of a free state, crossing the Ohio River to Indiana (2014)
Follow the Drinking Gourd, Jefferson County, Indiana (2013)
Look for the Grey Barn Out Back, Joshua Eliason Jr. barnyards and farmhouse, with a tunnel leading underneath the road to another station, Centerville, Indiana (2013)
On the Safest Route, James and Rachel Sillivan cabin, Pennville (formely Camden), Indiana (2014)
Within Reach, Crossing the St. Clair River to Canada south of Port Huron, Michigan (2014)
Elegba (Spirit of the Crossroads) (2015)
Escape Plan A (2017)
Mannish Boy Arrives (for Muddy Waters) (2017)
Painting #06-52 (2006)
Journey Home (2002)