Ten Americans: After Paul Klee

Curator Elsa Smithgall and other leading scholars explore the national and international aspects of Paul Klee and his influence on American artists.
Event details
Curator Elsa Smithgall and other leading art scholars explore the national and international aspects of Paul Klee and his influence on American artists. This symposium will feature various perspectives, with local scholars or commentators responding in dialogue to their presentations.
PRESENTERS (in order of presentation)
Elsa Smithgall, Curator Ten Americans: After Paul Klee, The Phillips Collection, “House of Klee at the Phillips, Home to Washington Color Field Painters”
Fabienne Eggelhoffer, Chief Curator, Head of Collection Exhibitions Research, Zentrum Paul Klee and co-curator Ten Americans: After Paul Klee, “In Search of a New Art: How Paul Klee Led the Way for Motherwell, Stamos, Pollock and Gottlieb”
Andrianna Campbell, Doctoral Candidate, CUNY University, “Between Two Points: Norman Lewis and Paul Klee”
Lillian-Yvonne Bertram, Assistant Professor of Creative Writing at The University of Massachusetts, Boston, “’Shall I never lead any but an inner life?’: Composing with Klee”
Adrienne Childs, Independent Scholar; Associate, WEB DuBois Institute, Harvard University
Harry Cooper, Curator and Head of Modern Art, National Gallery of Art
Ben Forgey, Art and Architecture Critic, The Washington Star and The Washington Post
Joshua Shannon, Associate Professor, Contemporary Art History and Theory, The University of Maryland